Feast for the Eyes
I hate PETA and I love meat, but I still think this is awesome. (via IDLYITW)
Alicia Silverstone’s Sexy Veggie PSA
Order a FREE vegetarian starter kit at GoVeg.com
Almost makes me want to eat more meat to goad them into getting some actually famous celebrities to do stuff like this.

Also, did you know that meat keeps you from breaking out?
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Another Reason to Move to Paris
I'm already planning to move to Paris at some point in my life, but I didn't expect the additional benefit of celebrity stalking (en français).
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Stop Hotlinking
Hotlinking has brought down this site twice in the previous two months, and I'm sick of the shit. So, appropriately, hotlinked images will be redirected to this.

Consider this a first warning. Any further ridiculousness like this and I'll Goatse your ass (pun intended).
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The Black Donnellys
Feels like they rounded a bunch of Law & Order bit part actors and gave them all a show. Seriously, I only watch CI on a regular basis and already a quarter of the characters look familiar: who knows how many of the rest were on SVU or the original?
It's almost as if NBC got tired of giving them charity bit parts or something, so they made a new show so that they'd all be happy.
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We Apologize for the Delay

The Apocalypse is now one year late and counting. As a Party member, I'd like to assure everyone that we still have a hidden agenda, and appearances to the contrary are just a smokescreen.
Well, at least that's what the last Ministry of Truth memo said.
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RPG Irredentists

Weird: on the Square Enix website, the map for Japan includes Sakhalin.
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Frogs Can't Get a Break
This made me laugh out loud for an entire minute, and I'm still chuckling when I read it.
The Normans weren't French you muppet! When you realise that they were in fact Vikings then the fact that they won a battle makes a lot more sense.
From the comments section for a news story on a French offer to merge with the UK in the 1950s.
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Excuse me, what kind of Senate?
A line from CTV's report of PM Harper's plans for Senatorial elections.
Liberal Senator Romeo Dallaire said he has no problem with moving toward a Republican-style Senate, but said if senators are to have real powers, it should be outlined with a constitutional change
I think, at the very least, these folks and these folks would disagree with the characterization of an elected Senate as "Republican-style".
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Too Much Detail
LOL I bought this camera in Hong Kong, but I guess I should be careful what 10.1 megapixels can do (via MopJuice).
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Keiko Wants Caucasian Passion

Haha someone's whoring out for some white bread lovin' (via dontlinkthis):
I have a nice apartment in Ochanomizu and you are welcome to stay with me if you are UNDER 35 and YOU ARE NICE LOOKING and YOU ARE WHITE.
Reminds me of the South Park episode where the Japanese try to brainwash American children with toys.
Chinpokomon Executive: You are American.
South Park Toy Store Owner: Yes.
Chinpokomon Executive: Ohhh, you must have very big penis!
South Park Toy Store Owner: Excuse me, I was just asking you what your up to with these toys.
Chinpokomon Executive: Nothing, we are very simple people with very small penis. Mr. Hosik's penis is especially small!
Mr. Hosik: So small.
Chinpokomon Executive: We cannot achieve so much with such small penis, but you American wow, penis so big, so big penis!
Disgruntled rice-eating guys can visit Bitter Asian Men now (ROFL).
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Legal and Sanitary
Did anyone notice that "Eugene Volokh" was the name of some unseen janitor in tonight's season premiere of Boston Legal?
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Victory in spite of all terror

"War has been waged against us by stealth and deceit and murder. This nation is peaceful, but fierce when stirred to anger. This conflict was begun on the timing and terms of others. It will end in a way, and at an hour, of our choosing."
President George W. Bush, remarks at National Day of Prayer and Remembrance, 14 September 2001
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Joys of Handhelds, Past and Present
Yah so I haven't been blogging for almost two months. Sue me.
What compelled me to blog? My uncle's return, which means that the PSP I bought in Hong Kong but didn't bring back was finally back in my hands (it didn't accompany me for customs reasons; I was way over the duty-free limit already). Being in Hong Kong meant that I can buy the system for cheaper than here. It also meant that I can buy the not-available-in-North-America white version.

You need a paper towel to catch all that drool?
So far, the only thing I've been doing is getting my ass handed to me in Virtua Tennis (I am getting better at it, though). But it put me in the mood to look up some history of handheld gaming, and I came across the following picture. Seriously, I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this.

This is an Atari Lynx, the first handheld video game system with a colour screen. Apparently, it also works well to substitute as a dumbbell. From the looks of it, it looks about two inches thick, which would be more than twice the thickness of my PSP. For that kind of thickness, I'd rather get a book.
I'm glad that I wasn't big on video games back then, or who knows what kind of godawful relics I would have now. But then again, it's not like manufacturers stopped making handheld gaming monstrosities
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Profanities vs. Bots
I've been receiving some random MSN add requests from what appears to be Mainland China accounts. I blocked them all until I decided to try letting one in.
轻舞飞扬 said:
chan_ka_yin,我的好友向我推荐了一个诚信的白领社交圈,看到那里的朋友都是用真实的姓名、资料和照片。惊喜的发现这里大多是高素质的人群:海外华人、企业家、各界精英、白领俪人、留学生…… http://----------------.---/-----
Kelvin - Doing laps is hard work. says:
轻舞飞扬 says:
Kelvin - Doing laps is hard work. says:
轻舞飞扬 says:
Kelvin - Doing laps is hard work. says:
The general gist in English:
轻舞飞扬 said:
[Some spam about some web site]
Kelvin - Doing laps is hard work. says:
Fuck you.
轻舞飞扬 says:
Your friend introduced you to me.
Kelvin - Doing laps is hard work. says:
I won't be so polite if you keep bothering me.
轻舞飞扬 says:
Kelvin - Doing laps is hard work. says:
Yah you better run.
Further experiments showed that these were indeed spam bots and there was no point in swearing at them anymore. But it was fun while it lasted.
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From the Upside-Down Continent
Blogging from Magnetic Island, about halfway down the Queensland east coast. Australia has been fine to me, and I'm already feeling rushed that I can't stay longer than three weeks.
There's tons of things to say but it's hard to start. Suffice it to say, however, that scuba diving on the Reef is one of the most incredible things that anyone can ever do.
And the sky here is huge, and there's a ton of stars.
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